In this episode, we continue our special block of episodes exploring the much-discussed and often maligned, but perhaps misunderstood, subgenre of “Elevated” Horror. To do this, we’re presenting something of an A24 sandwich made from two A24 releases and in the middle an earlier film that would certainly fit the criteria for an A24 release if it happened to come out modern day. That earlier film is the delightful middle section and it happens to be Phillip Ridley’s The Reflecting Skin.
Through the disturbing American Gothic lens of a rural 1950’s nowhere, we dive in to discuss the horrors of childhood and the very grim reality that awaits us all beyond. Jason falls in love all over again with the movie, but before that Dustin geeks out like crazy over the Saw franchise. Meanwhile, Michael gets a little lost in the visually lush wheat fields of the film while trying to make sense of it all. And so much more!
Special shout out to friend-of-the-show Adam, with who we had the pleasure of watching the film, and gave us some insightful comments that drove our discussion regarding the art Ridley drew from for inspiration.
What We’ve Been Watching:
-Michael: Boys from County Hell (2020)
-Jason: The Dark and the Wicked (2020)
-Dustin: Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021)
Show Notes:
–The Reflecting Skin Trailer
–Stream The Reflecting Skin at Arrow-Player
–Related Film: The Passion of Darkly Noon
–Related Film: Heartless
–Related Film: Stand by Me
–Related Film: Only Lovers Left Alive
–Related Film: Demons
–Related Art: Andrew Wyeth
–Related Art: Andrew Wyeth’s Christina’s World
–Related Art: Edward Hopper
–Related Art: American Gothic
–Related Film: Tideland
–Related Novel: Ray Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine
Next Time:
Under the Silver Lake (2018)